Lingua: Italiano


Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Personal Data

Name: Doz. Mag. Dr. Loredana Cappelletti
Born: Milan, 20/11/1968
Work Address: Universität Wien. Institut für Römisches Recht und Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Schenkenstrasse 8-10 1010 Wien - Austria
Phone: +43 1 4277 34415
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Visiting Fellowship at the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Ancient Law (CISAL), Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft.




Habilitation in the field „Ancient History“ at the Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Univ. of Vienna. Status of „Privatdozentin“ obtained with the official notification of the Rectorate from 7.2.2012.

Habilitation thesis: Gli statuti di Banzi e Taranto nella Magna Graecia del I secolo a.C., Wiener Studien zu Geschichte, Recht und Gesellschaft, hrsg. von N. Benke, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2011. Habilitationskolloquium 18.01.2012.


Post-doctoral scientific scholarship “Charlotte Bühler – Stipendium” No. H169 granted for two years by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria. Research Institution: Institute of Roman Law and Ancient History of Law, University of Vienna, Austria. Project’s title: Bünde Altitaliens. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und zu den politischen Strukturen der oskisch-umbrischen Völkerschaften (5. – 1. Jh. v.Chr.).


Research Doctorate/PhD (Doktoratsstudium) in Ancient History, Classical Studies and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna (Austria). Doctoral thesis: “Sistemi federali presso i popoli dell’Italia antica. Ricerche sulle Leghe di Lucani e Brettii (V-III sec.a.C.)”. Rigorosum/Final examination (Prof. L.Aigner Foresti, Prof. G.Dobesch) with excellent success (“mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg”).


Specialization Course of Etruscology and Italic Classical Studies at the University of Perugia (Italy). Final note: excellent (“ottimo”).

1994 - 1996

Postgraduate scholarship granted by the University of Chieti (Italy) for three years at the Department of Ancient History, Classical Studies and Epigraphy, University of Vienna (Austria).

1994 - 1995

Two Semester Intensive Courses “German Language Courses for Foreigners” at the University of Vienna (Austria), Wiener Internationale Hochschulkurse. Positive German Language Certificate. Final note: excellent (“ausgezeichnet”).


Postgraduate scholarship granted by the Foundation “Giorgio Pasquali” (University “Scuola Normale Superiore” Pisa, Italy) for one month at the Fondation Hardt pour l’Étude de l’Antiquité Classique, Vandoeuvres-Genève, Switzerland.


Degree in Classics (“Laurea in Lettere Classiche”) at the University of Chieti (Italy), with thesis in Roman History (“63-60 a.C.: note di prosopografia minore”). 110/110 Summa cum laude.

1982 - 1987

High School (of Classical Studies), Liceo Classico “Vittorio Emanuele II” in Lanciano (Chieti-Italy).

1980 - 1987

Academy of Music/Conservatory (piano) in Campobasso (Italy).

Currently enrolled at the Faculty of Law at the University of Teramo, Italy (Studies of Ancient Legal History; Exams of History, Institutions and Interpretation of Roman Law).

Scientific and University Activities


Member of the Advisory Board of the Collana di Studi ARIODANTE. Linguistica ed epigrafia dell’Italia antica. University of Perugia.


Member of the Editorial Board of the peer reviewed, open access scholarly journal Graeco-Latina Brunensia (GLB). University of Brno.


Member of the Editorial Board of the peer reviewed open access, scholarly journal Gerión. University of Madrid (Complutense).


Member of the Advisory Board of the open access scholarly journal Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia, Università degli Studi di Campobasso.


Co-Organiser of the Seminario Internacional de Investigación “Nuevas bases documentales para el estudio de Sicilia y de Hispania en época republicana / Nuove basi documentali per lo studio della Sicilia e della Spagna in età repubblicana”, Madrid, 26 Martes 2019, Sala de reuniones, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutense, together with E.B. García Fernández (Universidad Complutense). Locandina Programma


Project Leader [Independent Scientist Senior Postdoc] of the Austrian Science Fund [Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)] Research Project No. P 30279-G25: “Local Governments in Sicily in pre-Roman and Roman times. Research institution: Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.


Co-Organiser of the International Conference “L’Italie entre déchirements et réconciliations: revisiter la guerre sociale (91-88 av. J.-C.) et ses lendemains“,  Paris, 13-15 octobre 2016, together with Sylvie Pittia (Université Paris 1/ANHIMA). Locandina Programma


Leader of the Project: “Elections and Electoral Misconduct in Local Communities: Evidence from Roman Spain” funded by the University of Vienna,  Faculty of Law, Austria. One Scientific Co-Worker: Dr. Federico Russo. Research Institution: Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.


Member of the Advisory Board of the Centro Studi sui Fondamenti del Diritto Antico, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli.



Co-Organiser of the Workshop “La guerre sociale: état de la question et perspectives de recherche. Approches juridique et historique“, Atelier d’histoire et d’histoire du droit romain, Paris, 16-17 octobre 2015, together with Sylvie Pittia (Université Paris 1/ANHIMA). Programma


Founder and main editor of the FWF-Project website (ARchive of Constitutions of Ancient ITaly) with open-access bibliographical, documentary (inscriptions and literary evidence) and photographic data on the political and constitutional history of the populations and communities of Ancient Italy.


Project Leader [Independent Scientist Senior Postdoc] of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Research Project No. P 25418-G18: “Central Italy in Roman times. Studies in local magistracies and institutions after the Social War (91/88 BC)”. One Scientific Co-Worker: Dr. Jessica Piccinini. Research Institution: Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.

WS 2012-currently

Lecturer in the field of Introduction to Roman Law Studies at the Institute for Roman Law and Ancient History of Law at the University of Vienna (Austria).

WS 2011

Lecturer in the field of Roman History at the Department of Ancient History, Papirology and Epigraphic, University of Vienna (Austria): “Italien unter römischer Herrschaft”.


Project Leader [Independent Scientist Senior Postdoc] of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Research Project No. P 22063-G18: “Magna Graecia in römischer Zeit. Untersuchungen zu den lokalen Magistraturen und Institutionen nach dem Bundesgenossenkrieg (91/88 v.Chr.)”. Research Institution: Institute for Roman Law and Ancient History of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.


Project Leader [Independent Scientist Postdoc] of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Research Project No. P 16768-G02: Zilath, Meddix, Archon. Untersuchungen zu den Magistraten und Institutionen im vorrömischen Italien”. Research Institution: Institute for Roman Law and Ancient History of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.


Lecturer in the field of Etruscology and Italic Classical Studies at the Department of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Karl-Franzens University of Graz (Austria).


Scientific Co-Worker [Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin] of the Research Project “Roman Legal Archaeology/Römische Rechtsarchäologie. Ein Arbeitsbuch (annotierte Bibliographie und Bildarchiv)“, funded by the Austrian National Bank (Jubiläumsfonds). Research Institution: Institute for Roman Law and Ancient History of Law, University of Vienna, Austria.


Organiser of the computer aided catalogue of the Library of Etruscology and Italic Classical Studies at the Department of Ancient History, Classical Studies and Epigraphy at the University of Vienna (Austria).


Co-Organiser of the International Symposium Die Integration der Etrusker und das Weiterwirken etruskischen Kulturgutes im republikanischen und kaiserzeitlichen Rom”, Vienna-Austria, 29. 5. – 1. 6. 1995, headed by L.Aigner Foresti.


Vice-Presidency of the Society “Abruzzo Storico”, which reorganized the Library of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Chieti (Italy), with development of a computer aided catalogue.


Co-Examiner (as “Cultore della Materia”) in the field of Greek and Roman Classical Studies at the University of Chieti-Italy (Prof. C.Fayer).


Co-Examiner (as “Cultore della Materia”) in the field of Roman History at the University of Chieti-Italy (Prof. G.Firpo)


Scientific Co-Worker of the Research Project Territori e città provinciali nei primi tre secoli dell’Impero Romano”, funded by CNR-MURST (Italy). Research Institution: Department of Ancient History at the University of Chieti-Italy (Prof. G.Firpo).

Scientific Co-Worker of the Research Project Gli Italici e Roma fra il III secolo a.C. e la Guerra Sociale” funded by CNR-MURST (Italy). Research Institution: Department of Ancient History at the University of Chieti-Italy (Prof. G.Firpo).